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Follow your DREAM!

I was thinking a few months ago, as I was temping for a company there are people out there who are stuck in a 9-5 which they hate. As a result their dreams are being comprimised, with this in mind I decided to write this blog.

Whether or not you know what your dream is we all have goals and ambitions or things in life that we want to achieve. It could be buying your own home or following your dream career path. Even just going to a holiday destination that you have always wanted to visit. We all have something be it work related, lifestyle, realtionship or a career that you are passionate about and want to focus your time on. We just have to undertsand what that is and go for it! I know it is easier said then done and questions of how we will make it happen or even if we deserve our dreams can drag you down. But the point is we all desevre to be doing what ever it is that makes us happy in life. I wouldn't know eaxctly what it is I dream about doing for the rest of my life, but I know what I love, I know what makes me happy and what I am passionate about. I guess it is all about finding out what that is! I dread to think of people out there who take a job and hate the work they are doing. We have all fallen into this trap at some point, we need money or we need a job to keep us ticking over. I guess the point I am trying to make is if you have a dream or an ambition in mind that you want to do then GO FOR IT. It is sad to think that people out there won't make the jump to find a better life form themsleves or a career that will make them happy, becasuse they may have doubts that are holding them back.

I guess I am constantly looking for more, looking for the job or career that will make me happy. Take me to amazing places, challenage me, help me to gorw and meet like minded people. Not settling for second best and living on the merry-go-round that life is.

I am so inspired by people who have a dream or a goal that they want to achieve, and they stop at nothing to achieve it. I find it inspiring when people are looking for more, and go out and live their dream life!

Now I am not saying that everybody just gives up their day job and makes a complete go of it. I mean maybe it could work for you to do that. But I understand when there are commitments of household bills children etc. I guess the point I am trying to harp on about is don't settle for something that you hate doing. Life is too short and there are too many amazing adventutres out there to be missed out on. So don't let that tiny voice in your head stop you from following your heart and your dreams. You never know where it may take you!!!

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